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Brittle Skin – Our skincare ritual for low-moisture skin

Brittle Skin – the low-moisture skin. You feel your skin lacks moisture and you want to know more about your skin type? In this blog post, we want to introduce you to the features of low-moisture skin in more detail. In addition, you should get to know our skincare ritual “Brittle Skin”. This allows you to combine cleansing and care for your skin and incorporate it into your daily routine as a routine.

  • Low moisture skin
  • Healthy skin
  • Dos and Don’ts for the skin
  • Our skincare ritual
Low moisture skin

The pore pattern of low-moisture skin is very fine. We can therefore hardly see the pores. The skin may look dull and sometimes various areas of the skin appear rough and scaly. In addition, the skin looks very thin and wrinkles are visible very early. Pimples, on the other hand, are a foreign word to this skin type. Due to the lack of moisture in the skin, redness and a burning sensation may appear on the skin (fine hairline cracks). Skin care creams with a moisturizing effect restore the balance of the skin barrier.

Important notice:
An exact diagnosis can only be made by a physician. Therefore, if you are unsure or have any problems, contact your dermatologist or house doctor.


  1. Consume 30-50ml of water per kilogram of body weight (e.g. water or tea).
  2. Enjoy the sun only in moderation, don’t forget sunscreen
  3. in winter use cold protection cream (vitamin A cream)
Make sure you drink enough fluids in the form of water or tea.
Healthy skin

Our skin not only protects us from external influences, but is also our largest organ at the same time. It provides for a regulated heat exchange and for the transpiration process.

Our skin is built up in three layers. The top layer, the so-called epidermis consists of 90% horny layer and renews itself regularly. The dermis forms the second layer, which provides elastic skin through its connective tissue fibers. It is particularly affected by the natural aging process of the skin. The subcutis serves as cold protection and energy storage and consists of loose connective and fatty tissue.

The skin is our largest organ and protects us from external influences.
Do's und Don'ts for the skin


  • Sun protection
  • drink enough (min. 1,5L/day)
  • healthy, balanced nutrition
  • Relaxation (e.g. yoga, walks)
  • physical activity


  • UV radiation (to a high extent)
  • smoking
  • Stress
  • unhealthy nutrition
  • long, hot showers
Our skincare ritual
  1. Gently cleanse your skin with our Cleansing Lotion or Cleansing Foam
  2. Clear your skin with our Toner
  3. Strenghten your skin with ourSuper Gel
  4. Nourish your skin with our Triumph Cream or our Skin Concept Cream

Special skincare (as additional care)


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